CNC PCB Machine Manufacturer

cnc machine control upgrade on a budget

by:ChiKin     2020-03-04
Due to low performance, do you have an old amateur milling machine that is idle and even a new machine without a controller?
Or do you just want your machine to run faster or do you want to control it with a Macintosh desktop?
With this Instructure, you will have a high-performance machine with a budget price and control software running on your Mac desktop machine.
My solution is characterized by the Texas Instruments before
Tm4c1294 xl p board and TI boost-
Drive board for high power stepping motor.
I installed the controller directly to my MaxNC-
10 aboveIt is a small (portable)
Three axis machine of 0. 1 hp AC-
DC spindle motor.
You can also have the controller as a stand
Separate boxes may use additional connectors for the output of the stepping motor and the spindle motor.
I conservatively upgraded the stepping motor to 6 units. 2 Volt stepping motor.
The original step-
Syn \"24 V 5 wire motor is slow and cannot be used with bipolar, i. e. , full-
Bridge, can isolate the drive of the phase winding without modification-
Given the low cost of the current stepping motor, it is not worth the effort.
Note: The maximum speed of the stepping motor is generally not limited by the size or power of the motor.
Due to the large number of typical 50 poles, the stepping motor can generate a high back potential at a relatively low speed, and the power supply voltage must overcome the back potential.
Therefore, the maximum motor speed will be roughly proportional to the power supply voltage divided by the DC motor rated voltage. The high-
TI performance improvement-
The drv87 11 drive I will use has 52 V, 4 v.
5 amps/phase ratings and should be able to handle stepping motors below 2 volts or 0 volts. 5 ohm.
I implemented a maximum of 300 RPM that matches 6.
2 V motor with 150 W 36 V power supply but with 48 V power supply and 2-3 volt motors.
The driver also has 1/256 Micro
Very smooth step resolution for motor control.
RiceCNC-support this system configuration
Free download from iTunes store.
The app includes embedded firmware downloaded to the p board, which supports USB serial and Ethernet communication between the Mac desktop host and the p board.
I usually use an Ethernet connection because it provides high voltage isolation between the computer and the motor power supply.
I then plug the USB cable into the 5 V power cube to power the p board.
However, configuring Ethernet and Installer updates requires a USB connection. The BOOST-
The drv87 11 accepts motion control commands via a serial SPI connection or a stepping and directional input pin.
RiceCNC only uses the SPI command to control motion.
You can configure the driver using RiceCNC and then control the motion using RiceCNC or other motion control systems.
This is explained in further detail. The EX-
The Tm4c1294 xl p board can carry the boost-DRV8711 piggy-
Go back to each of the two BoosterPack connectors.
This may be enough for some machines.
But most machines need three or four motor drives and you may want to keep the piggy
Rear BoosterPack positions available for other expansion boards.
The New Grove Base BoosterPack is especially useful for this app.
Some cheap Grove sensors and output modules can be added to your machine.
As described in the following steps, other drives can be connected to the p board using the back board interconnect board.
Next, I\'m going to do a wire.
Pack the back board interconnect board to carry and connect up to five additional boost-DRV8711 boards.
When the p board is offset to use the BoosterPack 1 position, the fifth position becomes available as shown in the second picture.
While this configuration provides more connection options, it also requires a larger container than the one I used in the following steps.
Most users prefer the first more nested configuration and can omit the pins of the fifth drive board.
For those with experience in making the original type, the interconnect board should be relatively easy.
Others may want to read a little prototype technology.
Some developers may prefer to use 0.
The 5mm magnet wire with low temperature insulation will melt back from the soldering iron, and this technology will enable the use of PINs with shorter tails.
Materials needed for wires-
Packaging backboard interconnect board: the picture above shows my wire
Package the interconnect board to support up to five additional boosts in connection and mechanically-DRV8711 boards.
Keep the full 5 \"width of the prototype board.
In the board above, I trimmed the square of the board, but you may want to keep some extra length to provide extended areas with additional connectors and components.
No components are required except pins, but you can add many useful features and connector pins to the motherboard.
I went back and added a set of pins to my motherboard for Arduino compatible 2 relay modules.
I added pins for the two BoosterPack connectors for mechanical support, but I found it unnecessary.
Only one 40-pin connector supports the boot board very well and you can add 4-
40 screw brackets, 1 7/16 \"gasket. 8” dia. holes indicate.
I only connect to BoosterPack 2, but you can receive the signal from BoosterPack.
Using BoosterPack 2 in a nested position can offset the boot board to the BoosterPack 1 connector.
You can also omit the fifth boost.
Drv87 11 position at the top-
If you don\'t use it, it becomes the center of the board.
Fill the p BoosterPack 2 connector with 2 separate sultans pbc36dac and fill your BOOST-
The drv87 11 board has 2 separate sultans PBC36SACN for each board.
Place the assembly on the prototype board as needed and weld the pins in place.
When you Weld, the plate keeps the pin straight.
Now remove the board and put in the Save position when the wire is connectedwrapping.
At least power relays are required for most machines
One power supply for stepping motor and one for spindle motor.
You can use the Grove relay module with pre-wired cables, but I prefer the Arduino compatible 2 Relay RELAY boards.
The 5 volt relay is more durable than the 3 volt relay and has a larger power screw terminal.
Note: Each of the Grove relays uses a typical double
Extremely active high output, but you need to configure the output active low open collector for the 2 relay dash boards.
To use 2 relay trim boards, add a line of 5 pins to the exposed edge of the board and add the wires to B1 (+5 volts)and B2 (Ground)
The nearest BoosterPack connector.
Two GPIO outputs are also connected to two relay inputs.
I use B9 and b10.
Why use five pins when you only need to use four pins?
Prevent reverse power supply if not
The polarized connector is connected in reverse.
Now the public pins needed for all boost connections
Drv87 11 position starting from Piggy-back position.
Although not required, loop the last position back to piggy-
Reverse positioning can effectively shorten the signal path length and increase the maximum shift clock frequency.
The pins that must be wired together are: required public pins: chip select pins: Now, for each additional boost-
Boo87 11 locates the unused pins on the BoosterPack connector.
I have the default pin assigned in RiceCNC, but you can change the assignment.
Most unused pins can be used, including analog pins, but you may want to use pin assignments that do not conflict with the Grove Base BoosterPack on the same connector.
I used the following pin assignment: potentiometer analog output pin-A2This BOOST-
The drv87 11 potentiometer analog output pin has nothing to do with the function of the motor and is of little use for such an application, since the pots are often inaccessible.
In addition, if Wired, the analog pin input conflicts with the analog input of the Grove base on the same BoosterPack connector.
I would recommend skipping this step, but if you would like to use pots then please be careful to connect the A2 pin for each additional boost
Locate via b8 to pin B3 with BoosterPack simulation. nSleep -A6The BOOST-
To enable the 8711 driver chip, the drv87 11 nSleep input pin must be high.
P firmware will keep this pin high for piggyback position.
For each additional location, you can connect the A6 pin with the other pins or connect it directly to 3. 3V -A1.
However, you may want to pull this pin out of the connector and use 1 k Ω pull-
Up to Resistance 3. 3V.
The ground switch will provide manual coverage to eliminate the holding current of the motor.
This is useful for users who like to rotate the motor shaft directly with their hands for fine tuning. The BOOST-
The drv87 11 accepts step and direction motion control from input pins and SPI commands.
RiceCNC p firmware controls the movement of all positions only using a serial connection and keeps these pins low for pigletsback position.
As with nSleep, you can either connect this pin together or connect it directly to ground d1.
However, you may want to bring these pins to the connector and use the 1 k Omega pull-
Grounding resistance to prevent floating input.
The connector will then enable control of motion control software other than RiceCNC.
RiceCNC can still be used to configure the 8711 parameter register and monitor the drive status, but RiceCNC will not be able to track the motor position or change the Acceleration torque, slow down or uniform speed.
Maintain current only.
Note: Variable Torque is an additional feature of RiceCNC that does not directly accept 8711 support.
Note: RiceCNC is working to increase support for the \"slave\" mode of operation.
In this mode, step and direction signals from another motion control system can be input to the p-board instead of directly into the drive.
RiceCNC will then be able to track the position of the remote input and adjust the acceleration, deceleration, constant speed and the torque current held.
These pins are only for dual DC motor control modes that are not currently supported by RiceCNC.
They are reserved for future use, and it is usually better to connect unused input pins to the ground rather than let the inputs float.
Like step pins and direction pins, these pins can be generic or ground d1.
For the case, I used the sterilizer 1963 8.
5 \"x 11\" x 3 \"clear plastic storage boxes from my local Home Depot.
The box cover is firmly mounted on my machine and the bottom becomes a removable dust cover.
The components are supported by fiber cardboard obtained from my local Dollar Tree.
I drilled the rivets out and removed the clip from the clipboard.
I then trimmed the straps of the Sterilite 1963 lid so that the cardboard would nest in the lid.
This power supply is PS1-150W-
36 obtained online from MPJA.
As mentioned earlier, for boost-Driver.
The 48 volt power supply will produce a higher motor speed.
I installed the power on the right side of the cardboard.
You may need to get short-meter screws.
If you install the system on the machine then proceed with the layout installation.
I removed the original die cast aluminum control box from the back of MaxNC10 and used the same three threaded holes, long screws with 1 \"nylon gasket and 1/8\" nylon gasket between cardboard and cover. For a free-
The standing system increases the rubber foot but keeps the 1 \"spacing of the wire gap.
Next, install the power relay near the power supply.
I used the Arduino 2 relay module.
You may need to temporarily uninstall the power supply to drill holes.
You can use 4-
40 machine screws or small wood screws with cardboard.
Now add mounting bolts for the back panel interconnect board.
I used 3/4 long 4-
My mounting bolts have 40 screws, nuts and 1/4 \"spacers.
Drill holes on the power cord, spindle motor cable, stepping motor wire and USB and Ethernet cable covers.
Step drill bits form clean holes on plastic.
Drill holes between the edge of the lid and the edge of the cardboard, be careful not to interfere with the edge seal of the lid.
Larger holes will remove some material from the edge of the cardboard.
Add power wiring.
Use standard ground wire (
You may have one lying nearby)
, Through a hole in the lid, connect the green ground wire and White neutral wire to the power supply.
If using the Arduino 2 relay module, connect the power cord \"hot\" black line to the public (middle)
The terminal of the first relay.
Then the connection is normally open (leftmost)
Terminal to power \"hot\" input (
Probably the leftmost terminal).
If you use the Grove relay module, you only have to always open the terminals, but they may be a bit small for your wires.
If you have an AC spindle motor, connect the motor neutral to the power neutral.
Connect the motor \"hot\" to the second relay common terminal.
Connect the normally open Terminal to the power \"hot\" input.
I also added a manual switch on the hot side of the spindle motor connection for emergency stop and dry operation.
Go ahead and install your back panel and install an EK-
Tm4c1294 xl p board on the back panel.
If one or more relay modules are used, 4 wires are formed to connect the cable and the relay is connected.
If you use the Grove relay module, add the Grove Base in the startup board and connect the trunk.
You don\'t need AC power yet!
Connect the USB cable to the boot board and computer.
You may need a longer USB cable than the short USB cable that comes with the boot board.
Configure relay output in RiceCNC and test relay operation.
In addition to the red LEDs, these modules can also hear clicks to confirm the correct operation.
Add your boost now-
Connect the drv87 11 drive board to the backboard and connect each boost using the 18 \"wire length-
Enter the power supply into the power supply output, but the stepping motor has not been connected yet.
Observe polarity from the screenthe BOOST-
The pinout illustration of the drv87 11 document shows that it is upside down.
Now you need to plug in the AC power cord to test the drive board.
Unfortunately, 8711 s will not be able to respond without 3 V and motor power supply.
Configure and verify the operation of 8711 s using RiceCNC.
If they check, you have business!
Driver issues are unlikely to occur with the motherboard.
If one board does not verify initialization and the other board verifies initialization, remove the power supply and swap the board position.
It will be decided that this is a 8711 question (unlikely)
Or configuration issues.
After the 8711 operation is verified, the stepping motor is connected.
I checked the resistance and isolation of the phase winding of the new motor, but it is unlikely to find a problem with the motor wiring unless the motor is overheated.
You can choose to connect the boot board Ethernet to the computer through the router.
You can use the Ethernet cable and retractor that comes with the boot board.
Your project should now look like the picture above.
I added a Grove Base in the BoosterPack 1 position to facilitate the addition of the limit switch and the Grove module.
Several Grove modules may be useful for your system, including high temperature probes for monitoring the temperature of the motor.
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